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Different ways of joining sentences

Different ways of joining sentences

Afzal is our best batsman. He goes in first.
Afzal is our best batsman and he goes in first.
Afzal is our best batsman so he goes in first.
Afzal goes in first because he is our best batsman.
As (since) Afzal is our best batsman, he goes in first.
Afzal being our best batsman, goes in first.
Being our best batsman, Afzal goes in first.
Afzal, who is our best batsman, goes In first.
Afzal, our best batsman, goes in first.

Joining by Participles:

Ali Baba saw the robbers. He hid himself.
Ali Baba, seeing the robbers, hid himself.
Seeing the robbers, Ali Baba hid himself.
I finished my work. I went to bed.
Having finished my work, I went to bed.
The horse was frightened by the noise. It ran away.
The horse, frightened by the noise, ran away.
Frightened by the noise, the horse ran away.

Wrong:     Being an idle fellow, the teacher punished him .
Correct:   Being an idle fellow, he was punished by the teacher.
       Or:    As he was an idle fellow, he was punished by the teacher.

Wrong:      He, feeling very tired, lay down to rest.
Correct:     Feeling very tired, he lay down to rest.
i.e . When the subject is a Pronoun, keep it with the main sentence.

Joining by Relative Pronouns

The Relative Pronouns are who, which, whom and whose. Use who and whom for persons; use which for things and animals.
Rashid is a dunce. He will fail.
Rashid, who is a dunce, will fail.
I met Rashid yesterday. He is my best friend.
Rashid, whom I met yesterday, is my best friend.
Yesterday I met Rashid, who is my best friend.
Rashid is my best friend. I stayed with him in the holidays.
Rashid, with whom I stayed in the holidays, is my best friend.
Rashid wants to join the PAF. His father is in the Army.
Rashid, whose father is in the Army, wants to join the PAF.
The ass was a stupid creature. It refused to move.
The ass, which was a stupid creature, refused to move.


(a)  Keep the Relative Pronoun next to the word to which it refers.

Wrong:         The car ran into a tree which I was driving.
Correct:       The car which I was driving ran into a tree.
Wrong:         The boy was punished by the teacher who was idle.
Correct:       The boy who was idle was punished by the teacher.

(b) Don't put in an extra Pronoun, e.g.

Wrong:          The boy who came first he got a prize.
Correct:        The boy who came first got a prize.

(c)Use as instead of who or which after same and such,

E.g.             He is not the same man as I saw yesterday.
                   Such boys as tell lies get punished.

(d) Sometimes that is used in place of who or which. Sometimes who or which are left out altogether

                The book that I lost was never found.
                The book I lost was never found.